Goyder South Hybrid Renewable Energy Facility (Goyder South) will take advantage of one of the best wind and solar resources in the country by combining wind, solar and storage in one integrated project.
The project is also located in South Australia’s Mid North region, approximately 100km north-east of Adelaide, 5.5km south of the township of Burra, on Goyder’s Line and some 50km east of the proposed Blyth Battery.
Goyder South is permitted at a maximum size of 1,200MW of wind, 600MW of solar and 900MW/1,800MWh of battery storage. However, this capacity is likely to be built out in at least 2 stages, the first of which will consist of between 200 and 400 MW of wind generation.
The project aims to begin construction in Q1 of next year with a projected 24-month construction period.